Delivering training for 30 years
Internationally Accredited Training
"Expert skill in a particular field"
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We will bespoke your training
Receive Industry Accredited Training
Hostile Environment Training
The key to your success
Winning is everything so get the best start possible
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We offer global training solutions
Expertise Consultancy
Invest in your teams training
Teamwork is paramount
2016 TO 2023
Expertise Trainers will visit your teams anywhere globally
Backwatch Training
NGO Hostile Environment Training
Train Hard for Success
Work hard, Play hard , but above all enjoy yourself
Be a guiding light
Dont stop learning .... knowledge and networks is key to your journey
Dont get "stuck" .... the key is to keep something
Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance = 5 x "P" s
What i learnt on the course was invaluable and i will use my new skills daily
Name, Company
Yesterdays experiences revisited today
Your global training partner - Expertise Consultancy
Operational Instructors not just trainers
Lifetime Experiences translated to your training
Time spent on training is an investment
Never too old to learn something new
Security Training
Intelligence led solutions
Expertise Consultancy Ltd
+44 777 607 0657